With our 10/19/17 Release, MedSoft now provides more clarity in regards to documentation for Current and Previous Visits.

Prior to this Release, within the Patient Center – Financials – Billing window, the Current Visits and Previous Visits tabs have always shown “Yes” in the Documentation column, even if the Visit was created by a Cancel charge, a No Show charge, or a Non-Documented Visit charge.

With the new updates, the words “Canceled Charge,” “No Show Charge,” or “Non-Documented Visit” will show in the Documentation column instead to clarify the intention of the charge. The below screen shot shows examples of what would be shown:



Please note that, while “Canceled Charge” and “No Show Charge” labels will be accurate for all retroactive visits, the “Non-Documented Visit” label will only show for Non-Documented Visits created after the 10/19/17 Release.