Upcoming Visits with Exams Needed

This widget shows a list of patients who need a Progress Report (or other evaluation) completed at their next appointment.


This widget is typically used to identify when patients need a Progress Report.

  1. Medicare patients will show up on this widget if 8 visits have elapsed since their last exam/Progress Report. If the last column on the widget shows “0,” the Medicare patient needs an exam or Progress Report on this visit.
  2. Non-Medicare patients show up on the report when 29 days have elapsed since their last exam/Progress Report. For non-Medicare patients, the last column of the widget can be disregarded.

Notes about this widget:

  1. Exams are only counted for the purposes of this widget if they have been started and saved.
  2. Patients will only show up on this widget if they have an upcoming pending appointment.


The widget details may be sorted by any column or may be filtered using the filter box in the top right. Additionally, clicking on Patient names will link directly to Patient Center.


This report may be exported to Excel.